>>>>>> Command Line Interface (CLI) Documentation <<<<<<

Right Protect your privacy and data security (online converter needs uploading).
Right Convert PDFs in BATCH.
Right Quickly select source: just drag-and-drop your files.
Right NO downloading needed, store result in your local PC directly.
Right Handy converter: run at any time, even no network is okay.
Right Support Command Line Interface: improve the productivity if you're good at programming.
Right Support system level context menu.
Right Reasonable & affordable license fee, and enjoy FREE lifetime support.
Right Intuitive, practical and compact interface, genuine and familiar PDF RED.
Right 100% CLEAN: NO Ad, NO Bundle, NO Virus, NO Spyware, just for BETTER.
PDF to Text is used to quickly convert PDF documents to plain txt format files in batch mode. It works without Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader, and has Command Line Interface (CLI), fast and accurate conversion ability, friendly interface, small size.

It retains the original text, format and layout (as much as possible) in the output text files.

Also, PDF to Text supports converting the PDF files that have some restrictions, such as "Content Copying", "Saving as Text" are not allowed.

If you want to let your documents management system supports PDF search or want to extract the text from PDF files, it might be useful.
Supports Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Português (Brasil), Slovenščina, Türkçe, Русский, 简体中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, 한국어, ไทย.
Get Free License via Translation!


PDF to Text unterstützt schnelle Konvertierung von PDF Documenten in reine Textdateien. Arbeitet ohne Adobe Acrobat oder Adobe Reader, besitzt ein Command Line Interface (CLI), schnelle und genaue Konvertierung, freudliches GUI, kleiner Platzbedarf. Lässt Original-Text, Format und Layout (möglichst) unverändert in der Ausgabetextdatei. PDF to Text unterstützt die Konvertierung von PDF-Dateien mit Beschränkungen wie "Content Copying", "Saving as Text", "Page Extraction". Falls Ihr Dokumenten Management System PDF-Suche unterstützt oder Sie Text aus PDF-Dateien extrahieren wollen, dann ist dieses Programm hilfreich.

  • Unterstützt Command Line Interface (CLI).
  • Schnell, genau, klein und ansprechende Benutzeroberfläche.
  • Arbeitet ohne Adobe Acrobat oder Adobe Reader.
  • Unterstützt schnelle Konvertierung von PDF Documenten in reine Textdateien.
  • Lässt Original-Text, Format und Layout (möglichst) unverändert in der Ausgabetextdatei.
  • Unterstützt Konvertierung PDF in Textdatei im Batch Modus.
  • Konvertiert alle Seiten einer PDF-Datei in eine einzige reine Textdatei.
  • Unterstützt die Konvertierung von PDF-Dateien mit Beschränkungen wie "Content Copying", "Saving as Text" nicht erlaubt.


PDF a texto se usa para convertir velozmente documentos PDF a archivos de texto por lotes. Funciona sin Adobe Acrobat/Reader, cuenta con interfaz de línea de comandos (CLI), conversión rápida y precisa, interacción amigable GUI, pequeño tamaño. Además, PDF a texto soporta la conversión de los archivos PDF que tengan algunas restricciones, tales como "Copia de contenido", "guardar como texto", "Página extracción" que no están permitidas. Podría ser útil, si desea que su sistema de gestión de documentos PDF sea compatible con la búsqueda o extracción de texto en archivos PDF.

Características principales
  • Soporta interfaz de línea de comandos (CLI).
  • Interfaz rápida, exacta, pequeña y agradable.
  • Trabaja sin Adobe Acrobat o Adobe Reader.
  • Soporta la conversión de documentos PDF en archivos de texto sin formato.
  • Conserva el texto original, el formato y el diseño (lo más posible) en los archivos a guardar.
  • Soporta la conversión de PDF a TXT por lotes.
  • Convierte todas las páginas de un archivo PDF en un archivo de texto sin formato.
  • Soporta la conversión de los archivos PDF que tienen algunas restricciones, tales como "Copia de contenido", "guardar como texto" que no están permitidos.


PDF to texte est utilisé pour convertir rapidement des documents PDF vers des fichiers de texte brut en mode batch. Il fonctionne sans Adobe Acrobat ni Adobe Reader et a une interface graphique conviviale et une interface en ligne de commande (CLI), capacité de conversion rapide et précise. Il conserve le format et la dispostion du texte original (autant que possible) dans les fichiers convertis en texte brut. En outre, PDF to Text prend en charge la conversion des fichiers PDF qui présentent des restrictions, telles que "Copie du contenu", "Enregistrer comme texte", "Extraction de Page" lorsqu'elles ne sont pas autorisées. Que vous vouliez laisser votre système de gestion de vos documents supporter la recherche de PDF ou que vous vouliez extraire du texte à partir de fichiers PDF, il peut vous être utile.

Principales caractéristiques
  • Prend en charge l'Interface en ligne de commande (CLI).
  • Rapide, précis, petit avec une Interface graphique agréable.
  • Fonctionne sans Adobe Acrobat ni Adobe Reader.
  • Supporte la conversion de documents PDF en fichiers de texte brut.
  • Conserve le format et la disposition du texte original (autant que possible) dans les fichiers texte de sortie.
  • Supporte la conversion de PDF en TXT en mode batch.
  • Convertit toutes les pages d'un PDF en un seul fichier de texte brut.
  • Prend en charge la conversion des fichiers PDF qui présentent des restrictions, telles que la "Copie de contenu" ou "Enregistrer comme texte", non autorisées.


PDF to Text è in grado di convertire rapidamente i documenti PDF in file di testo normale in gruppi. Senza usare Adobe Acrobat o Adobe Reader, anche con interfaccia da riga di comando (CLI), conversione veloce e precisa, dimensioni ridotte. Mantiene il formato e la struttura del testo originale durante la conversione (per quanto possibile. Inoltre, è possibile convertire i file PDF che hanno restrizioni, come "Copia Contenuto", "Salvataggio come Testo", "Estrazione Pagina" non sono consentiti. Il programma gestisce i documenti PDF, supporta la ricerca ed estrae il testo dai file PDF.

Caratteristiche principali
  • Supporta interfaccia da Riga di Comando (CLI).
  • Interfaccia veloce, preciso, piccolo.
  • Funziona senza Adobe Acrobat o Adobe Reader.
  • Supporta la conversione dei documenti PDF in file di testo normale.
  • Mantiene il testo originale, formato e struttura (per quanto possibile) nei file di testo di uscita.
  • Supporta la conversione da PDF in TXT in gruppi.
  • Converte tutte le pagine di un file PDF in un unico file di testo semplice.
  • Supporta la conversione dei file PDF che hanno alcune limitazioni, come ad esempio "Copia dei Contenuti", "Salvataggio come Testo" non sono consentiti.


A PDF to Text PDF-dokumentum egyszerű szövegfájlba konvertálására való kötegelt módon. Adobe Acrobat vagy Adobe Reader nélkül és parancssorból (CLI) is használható. Gyors és alapos konvertálást végez. Barátságos GUI, kis méret. Megőrzi a szöveges célfájlban az eredeti szövegformátumot és elrendezést (amennyire lehetséges). Átkonvertálja a korlátozásokat tartalmazó PDF-fájlt is - "Tartalom-másolás", "Mentés szövegként", "Lapkibontás. Ha szeretne a dokumentumkezelő-rendszerrel PDF-keresést végezni vagy zeretné kibontani a szöveget a PDF-fájlból, ez hasznos lehet.

  • Parancssoros felület (CLI) támogatása.
  • Gyors, pontos, apró és barátságos felület.
  • Adobe Acrobat vagy Adobe Reader nélkül használható.
  • A PDF-dokumentumot egyszerű szövegfájlba konvertálja.
  • Megőrzi a cél szövegfájlban az eredeti szöveget, formátumot és elrendezést (amennyire lehetséges).
  • Kötegelten is átkonvertálja a PDF-et szöveggé.
  • A PDF összes lapját EGYETLEN egyszerű szövegfájllá alakítja.
  • Átkonvertálja a korlátozásokat tartalmazó PDF-fájlokat - "Tartalom másolása", "Mentés szövegként".


PDF naar tekst gebruik om PDF-documenten te converteren naar lege tekst bestanden in groep mode. Het werkt zonder Adobe Acrobat of Adobe Reader, en heeft Command Line Interface (CLI), snel en nauwkeurig conversievermogen, GUI, klein formaat. Het heeft de oorspronkelijke tekst formaat en weergave (zoveel kan) in de tekstbestanden. Steunt het omzetten van de PDF-bestanden met beperkingen zoals inhoud kopiëren en opslaan als tekst zijn onmogelijk. Als u wilt dat uw documentmanagementsysteem ondersteunt PDF zoeken of wilt u de tekst uit PDF-bestanden uit te pakken, kan het nuttig zijn.

Belangrijkste kenmerken
  • Ondersteunt Command Line Interface (CLI).
  • Snel, nauwkeurig, klein, en gebruiksvriendelijke interface.
  • Werken zonder Adobe Acrobat of Adobe Reader.
  • Ondersteunt het converteren van PDF-documenten naar platte tekst bestanden.
  • Behoudt de oorspronkelijke tekst, het formaat en de lay-out (zoveel mogelijk) in de output tekstbestanden.
  • Ondersteunt het omzetten van PDF naar TXT in groepmode.
  • Converteert alle pagina's van een PDF in EEN leeg tekst bestand.
  • Ondersteunt converteren van PDF-bestanden die restricties hebben zoals “inhoud kopiëren”, “opslaan als tekst” niet toegestaan.

Português (Brasil)

PDF para Texto converte rapidamente documentos PDF para arquivos de texto simples em lote. Ele funciona sem o Adobe Acrobat ou Adobe Reader, e tem uma Interface de Linha de Comandos (CLI), conversão rápida e precisa, interface amigável e tamanho pequeno. Ele mantém o texto original, formato e layout (o máximo possível) nos arquivos convertidos. Além disso, suporta a conversão de arquivos PDF que tenham restrições, quando "Copiar conteúdo", "Salvar como texto" e "Extração de páginas" não são permitidos. Se você quiser deixar o seu sistema de gerenciamento de documentos suporta pesquisa PDF ou deseja extrair o texto de arquivos PDF, ele pode ser útil.

Principais Características
  • Suporta Interface de Linha de Comandos (CLI).
  • Rápido, preciso, pequeno e amigável interface.
  • Trabalha sem o Adobe Acrobat ou Adobe Reader.
  • Suporta a conversão de documentos PDF para arquivos de texto simples.
  • Mantém o texto original, formato e layout (o máximo possível) nos arquivos de texto de saída.
  • Suporta conversão de PDF para TXT no modo de lote.
  • Converte todas as páginas de um PDF em um arquivo de texto simples.
  • Suporta a conversão de arquivos PDF que têm algumas restrições, quando "Copiar conteúdo", "Salvar como texto" não são permitidos.


'PDF to Text' se uporablja za hitro, serijsko pretvorbo PDF dokumentov v datoteke z golim besedilom. Dela brez programa Adobe Acrobat/Reader, ima vmesnik ukazne vrstice, hitro in natančno pretvorbo, prijazen GUI, je majhen. Ohrani izvorno besedilo, obliko in postavitev (kolikor je mogoče) v izhodnih TXT datotekah. Podpira tudi pretvorbo PDF datotek z omejitvami za 'Kopiranje vsebine', 'Shrani kot besedilo' in "Razširjanje strani". Če želite, da vaš sistem za upravljanje dokumentov podpira iskanje PDF ali želite izvleči besedilo iz PDF datotek vam bo to morda koristno.

Ključne funkcije
  • Podpira vmesnik ukazne vrstice (CLI).
  • Hiter, natančen, majhen in prijazen vmesnik.
  • Delo brez programa Adobe Acrobat/Adobe Reader.
  • Podpira prtvorbo PDF dokumentov v datoteke z golim besedilom.
  • Ohrani izvorno besedilo, obliko in postavitev (kolikor je to mogoče) v izhodnih besedilnih datotekah.
  • Podpira serijsko pretvorbo PDF v besedilo (TXT).
  • Pretvori vse strani v PDF v eno datoteko z navadnim besedilom.
  • Podpira tudi pretvorbo datotek PDF, ki imajo omejitve kot sta nedovoljeni 'Kopiranje vsebine' in 'Shrani kot besedilo'.


PDF to Text toplu iş modunda PDF dosyalarını hızla düz metin dosyasına çevirmek için kullanılır. Adobe Acrobat veya Adobe Reader olmadan çalışır ve Komut Satırı Arabirimi (CLI), hızlı ve doğru dönüşüm yeteneği, GUI dostu, küçük boyutu vardır. Bu çıktı metin dosyalarında (mümkün olduğunca) orijinal metin, biçimini ve düzenini korur. Ayrıca, Metin PDF böyle "İçerik Kopyalama", "metin olarak kaydetme" gibi bazı kısıtlamalar var PDF dosyalarını dönüştürme destekler, "Sayfa Ekstraksiyon" izin verilmez. Siz belgelerin yönetim sistemi için PDF aramalarını destekler izin verir veya PDF dosyalarından metin ayıklamak istiyorsanız, bu yararlı olabilir.

Temel özellikleri
  • Komut Satırı Arabirimi (CLI) destekler.
  • Hızlı, doğru, küçük ve arayüz dostu.
  • Adobe Acrobat veya Adobe Reader olmadan çalışır.
  • PDF belgelerini düz metin dosyalarına dönüştürmeyi destekler.
  • Çıktı metin dosyalarında (mümkün olduğunca) orijinal metin, biçimini ve düzenini korur.
  • PDF to TXT, toplu modunda dönüştürmeyi destekler.
  • PDF tüm sayfalarını düz bir metin dosyası içine çevirir.
  • Bazı kısıtlamalar var PDF dosyalarını dönüştürmeyi destekler, örneğin "metin olarak kaydetme" "İçerik Kopyalama" olarak izin verilmez.


PDF to Text используется для быстрого преобразования PDF-файлов в текстовые файлы в пакетном режиме. Приложение не требует наличия Adobe Acrobat или Adobe Reader, обладает простым интерфейсом, малым размером и поддерживает работу с командной строкой. В ходе преобразования из PDF в текст, приложение сохраняет исходную структуру текста (по возможности) и поддерживает PDF-файлы с определенной степенью защиты (кроме файлов с защитой содержимого). Данное приложение будет полезно, если вы захотите использовать индексирование PDF-документов в вашей системе или вам требуется получить тексты из PDF-файлов.

Ключевые особенности
  • Поддерживает работу с командной строкой (CLI).
  • Поддержка командной строки, дружелюбный интерфейс, малый размер, точность и быстрота.
  • Работает без необходимости установки Adobe Acrobat или Adobe Reader.
  • Поддерживает преобразование PDF-файлов в текстовый формат.
  • Сохраняет исходную структуру текста (по возможности).
  • Поддерживает преобразование PDF-файлов в текст в пакетном режиме.
  • Трансформирует все содержимое PDF-документов в простой текстовый файл.
  • Поддерживает Поддерживает преобразование PDF-файлов с определенной степенью защиты, при этом файлы с защитой содержимого и запретом на копирование текста не поддерживаются.


PDF to Text 用来以批量方式快速转换 PDF 文档为纯文本文件。不必安装 Adobe Acrobat 或 Adobe Reader 即可工作,且拥有命令行接口(CLI)、快速而精确的转换能力、友好的图形用户界面(GUI)、小巧等特点。它会在输出文本文件中保留 PDF 文件的原始文本、格式及布局(尽可能多)。此外,支持转换有所限制的 PDF 文件,例如不允许拷贝内容、保存为文本及页面提取的 PDF。如果您打算让您的文档管理系统支持 PDF 查询或提取 PDF 文件中的文字,本产品将会很有用。

  • 支持命令行接口(CLI)
  • 快速、精确、小巧、界面友好。
  • 无须安装 Adobe Acrobat 或 Adobe Reader 即可工作。
  • 支持转换 PDF 文档为纯文本文件。
  • 在输出文本文件中保留 PDF 文件的原始文本、格式及布局(尽可能多)。
  • 支持批量转换 PDF 为文本。
  • 转换 PDF 所有页到一个纯文本文件。
  • 支持转换有所限制的 PDF 文件,例如不允许拷贝内容及保存为文本的 PDF。


PDF to Text 用來以批量方式快速轉換 PDF 文檔為純文字檔。不必安裝 Adobe Acrobat 或 Adobe Reader 即可工作,且擁有命令列介面(CLI)、快速而精確的轉換能力、友好的圖形化使用者介面(GUI)、小巧等特點。它會在輸出文字檔中保留 PDF 檔的原始文本、格式及佈局(盡可能多)。此外,支援轉換有所限制的 PDF 檔,例如不允許拷貝內容、存儲為文本及頁面提取的 PDF。如果您打算讓您的文檔管理系統支援 PDF 搜詢或提取 PDF 檔中的文字,本產品將會很有用。

  • 支援命令列介面(CLI)
  • 快速、精確、小巧、介面友好。
  • 無須安裝 Adobe Acrobat 或 Adobe Reader 即可工作。
  • 支援轉換 PDF 文檔為純文字檔。
  • 在輸出文字檔中保留 PDF 檔的原始文本、格式及佈局(盡可能多)。
  • 支援批量轉換 PDF 為文本。
  • 轉換 PDF 所有頁到一個純文字檔。
  • 支援轉換有所限制的 PDF 檔,例如不允許拷貝內容及存儲為文本的 PDF。


PDF to Textは、PDFファイルをプレーンテキストファイルに一括変換するために使用されます。 Adobe AcrobatやAdobe Readerがなくても動作し、CLI(コマンドラインインターフェース)、迅速・正確な変換、フレンドリーなGUI、小さいサイズなどの特徴を持っています。オリジナルのテキスト、フォーマット、レイアウトは、出力テキストファイルで可能な限り維持されます。しかし、「コンテンツのコピー」、「テキスト形式で保存」などを制限するPDFファイルには対応していません。文書管理システムが、PDFの検索をサポートするようにしたり、PDFファイルからテキストを抽出したい場合に使用できます。

  • CLI(コマンドラインインターフェース)。
  • 迅速・正確な小さなサイズのフレンドリーなインターフェース。
  • Adobe AcrobatやAdobe Readerがなくても動作。
  • PDF文書をテキストファイルに変換。
  • 出力テキストファイルで可能な限りオリジナルのテキストとフォーマット、レイアウトを維持。
  • PDF -> TXT一括変換をサポート。
  • PDFのすべてのページを一つのテキストファイルに変換。
  • 「コンテンツのコピー」、「テキスト形式で保存」などを制限するPDFファイルは変換不可。


PDF to Text는 PDF 파일을 일반 텍스트 파일로 일괄변환하는 데 사용됩니다. Adobe Acrobat이나 Adobe Reader가 없어도 작동하며 CLI(명령 줄 인터페이스), 신속정확한 변환, 친화적인 GUI, 작은 크기 등의 특징을 가지고 있습니다. 원본텍스트와 형식, 레이아웃은 출력 텍스트 파일에서 될수록 유지됩니다. 그러나 "콘텐츠의 복사", "텍스트형식으로 저장" 등을 제한하는 PDF 파일은 지원하지 않습니다. 문서관리시스템이 PDF 검색을 지원하도록 하거나 PDF 파일로부터 텍스트를 추출하려는 경우에 사용할 수 있습니다.

주요 기능
  • CLI(명령 줄 인터페이스).
  • 신속정확한 작은 크기의 친화적인 인터페이스.
  • Adobe Acrobat이나 Adobe Reader가 없어도 작동.
  • PDF 문서를 일반 텍스트 파일로 변환.
  • 출력텍스트 파일에서 가능한 한 원본텍스트와 형식, 레이아웃을 유지.
  • PDF ->TXT 일괄변환을 지원.
  • PDF의 모든 페이지를 하나의 일반 텍스트 파일로 변환.
  • "콘텐츠의 복사", "텍스트형식으로 저장" 등을 제한하는 PDF 파일은 변환 불가능.


โปรแกรม PDF to Text ใช้เพื่อแปลงเอกสาร PDF เป็นไฟล์ข้อความธรรมดาในโหมดชุดงาน ทำงานได้โดยไม่ต้องใช้ Adobe Acrobat หรือ Adobe Reader มีอินเตอร์เฟซบรรทัดคำสั่ง รวดเร็ว แม่นยำ ส่วนติดต่อผู้ใช้แบบกราฟิกที่เป็นมิตร และ ขนาดเล็ก มันใช้รูปแบบและเค้าโครงของไฟล์ต้นฉบับมากที่สุดเท่าที่จะเป็นไปได้ นอกจากนี้ยังสนับสนุนการแปลงไฟล์ PDF ที่มีข้อจำกัดย่างเช่นการคัดลอกเนื้อหา ห้ามการบันทึกเป็นข้อความ และ การดึงหน้าออก ถ้าคุณต้องการให้ระบบการจัดการเอกสารของคุณสนับสนุนการค้นหาคำไหนไฟล์ PDF หรือต้องการถอนข้อความออกจากไฟล์ PDF อาจเป็นประโยชน์ คุณลักษณะสำคัญ: รองรับ Command Line Interface (CLI) อินเทอร์เฟซที่รวดเร็ว แม่นยำ ขนาดเล็ก และ ใจง่าย ทำงานโดยไม่ใช้ Adobe Acrobat หรือ Adobe Reader รองรับการแปลงเอกสาร PDF เป็นไฟล์ข้อความธรรมดา รักษารูปแบบและเค้าโครงจากต้นฉบับในไฟล์เอาต์พุต รองรับการแปลงไฟล์ PDF เป็น TXT แบบชุดงาน แปลงไฟล์ PDF ที่มีหลายหน้าเป็นไฟล์ TXT ไฟล์เดี่ยว สนับสนุนการแปลงไฟล์ PDF ที่มีข้อจำกัดบางอย่างเช่น ห้ามคัดลอกข้อความ หรือ ห้ามบันทึกเป็นข้อความ
Wessco International (US)
Vega Imaging Informatics, LLC (US)
Kickit (US)
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Espy Case Solutions, LLC (US)
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Online Consulting, Inc. (US)
Lemeztechnika Kft. (HU)
Business Report Card (US)
Datascan (US)
DataBase Solutions Inc. (US)
Gateway Psychology Ltd (GB)
Moser Media+Informatik GmbH (DE)
Certified AC Services (US)
Citizens State Bank. (US)
Innocap (CA)
Advise Technologies (US)
Boston Scientific Corporation (US)
GINE, S.A. (ES) Tekshop of NC, Inc. (US)
4 You Media Ltd (GB) Broussard Financial Consulting Group (US) MacLeod Leather and Crafts (US) Head Start Solutions Limited (NZ) Falkstenen AB Moi Fioktelepe (HU)
L.g.p. Doene B.V. (NL) LinetSystem (US) Carey's Computer Creations (sm) (US)
Compatible with Windows 10 Compatible with Windows 8 Compatible with Windows 7 100% Clean!
Release / Update Date
Features / Improvements Bug Fixes
Jul 24, 2021
  • Important (I): greatly optimized the source code to improve converting efficiency.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • I: when scrolling the vertical/horizontal scroll bar, the position of the "Open PDF/Result" buttons that associated to the selected row will be seriously confused.
  • If the computer uses a non-Gregorian calendar (such as Buddhist calendar, Islamic calendar, etc.), the valid license may be judged as expired.
May 09, 2021
  • Lets the <Add PDF files...> button get focus after started program (friendlier).
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • Important (I): the associated controls of selected row may be misplaced when resizing the main window.
  • I: piracy will be falsely reported on a very small number of computers.
Apr 25, 2021
  • Important (I): greatly improved the converting speed.
  • I: can sort the [Size] column accurately.
  • I: greatly improved the opening speed for each interface.
  • Can display program logo in system "Apps & features" list.
  • Optimized Turkish texts.
  • Optimized the official website.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • I: the list no longer flickers when adding/removing PDF files in batch.
Dec 22, 2020
  • Important (I): can display the converting progress, previous versions only show you a prompt - "Converting now, please wait...".
  • I: can display the up/down arrows on the sorted column header.
  • Can open the PDF location(s) by context menu.
  • Can open the output location(s) by context menu.
Nov 15, 2020
  • Important (I): made the resizable main interface.
  • Optimized the self-service - "Lost license key?".
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • I: has not completely deleted the system context menu after uninstalled it.
Nov 10, 2020
  • Important (I): now it can deal with the Unicode PDF paths/names and output paths in any language, such as Hindi, Korean, Russian, etc. In previous, it can only process the ASCII paths/names and your local Unicode characters, and to process local Unicode characters, you need to set "system locale" as your local language.
  • Optimized the data access algorithm for the main list.
  • Now can show the update history directly if the new version is available and you chose to view the updates (in previous versions, just only jump to the 'Update History' segment, but has not expanded it, you need to expand it manually to see the update history).
  • Removed the "Add to Quick Launch Bar" option from the installer, because from Win Vista, it has no meaning.
  • I: the licensed copy may be judged as trial version in CLI if you call the CLI before verifying process is finished.
Nov 04, 2020
  • Optimized the license verifying module.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • Important: the viewing file icons are not displayed properly when adjust the corresponding column size.
May 11, 2020
  • Important (I): plays a sound when finished, and you can set your favorite sound.
  • I: can automatically create the custom output path if it is not existing.
  • I: optimized the interface: neater and more unified.
  • I: optimized the software texts for all the 16 languages.
  • Added "Update history" function to the "Help" menu.
  • Center-align the icons of the 3 picture buttons on the upper right corner.
  • Can display the update history for Traditional and Simplified Chinese.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
Jan 21, 2019

Download This Version
  • Important (I): supports system level context menu.
  • I: fully supports native ไทย.
  • Uses the exact Golden Ratio for the size of main interface.
  • Optimized "Request support..." related features.
  • Can remove the whole PTT program folder after uninstalled it.
  • Changed "Get/retrieve your license (free)" menu item to "Lost license key?" to eliminate ambiguity.
  • Changed "Microsoft Internet Explorer" string to "Microsoft Web Browser", because Windows 10 uses Microsoft Edge, for consistency, now calls them as "Microsoft Web Browser".
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
Aug 18, 2017

Download This Version
  • Important (I): fully supports native Slovenščina.
  • I: no longer ask you to view the result(s) if there is no any successful conversion.
  • Optimized the Redistributable CLI.
  • Optimized the appearance of help menu.
  • Optimized software texts.
  • I: if you use non-English OS, you MAY see the unreadable no-English texts when install it.
  • I: in a few languages, click "Help -> Command line interface" menu item will go to the non-existent CLI documentation segment.
  • Fixed a little text errors for JA, KO and NL languages.
Jan 22, 2017

Download This Version
  • Important: can remember the output settings.
  • Important: you can add PDF files by double-click blank area of the listbox, it's a new friendlier design.
  • Important: added the icons to the context menu of the listbox.
  • Added the "Video tutorial" menu item to the "Help" button.
  • Optimized official webpages.
  • Uses the special purchase page for PTT, simpler and clearer.
  • Important: if the characters count of PDF' text is less than 800, you MAY get an error message during converting (but it's successfully converted to text).
  • In the trial version, when you click <Convert all> button, it will show the limitation and ask you buy a license, but if you clicked <Cancel> on the prompt dialog box, it will do converting still.
Oct 08, 2016
  • Added the "Information" icon to the "About..." interfaces of CLI and Redistributable CLI, made it friendlier.
  • Optimized the appearance of the main interface - no longer displays the surplus blank.
  • Optimized the "view output/PDF" icons (their locations are lower than others in the previous versions).
  • Optimized the official website.
  • Optimized the -? argument for CLI: points to the really existing segment of the help document.
  • Optimized the installer, simplified the installed steps.
  • Changed the trial limitation from "16 days" to "800 characters".
  • Fixed a latent bug - pressing <Enter> on the system dialog boxes may open the selected PDF file.
May 22, 2016
  • Important: the list or main interface supports sorting data.
  • Important: fully supports native 日本語.
  • Important: fully supports native 한국어.
  • Optimized the English texts of software (interfaces and message boxes), especially, standardized the initial capital.
  • Added the proper icon to all system message boxes, and all of these message boxes support pressing <Esc> to close.
  • Optimized some texts for Italiano and Deutsch languages.
  • Optimized the web pages of PDF to Text.
  • Important: if you selected Español language during installing, the interface will become 繁體中文 when first run.
May 22, 2016
  • Important: fully supports native Русский.
  • Important: fully supports native Nederlands.
  • Important: uses the Segoe UI font which is used in Vista ~ Win10 and highly recommended by Microsoft for all interfaces, makes PTT to be more beautiful and friendlier greatly.
  • Optimized the color of license type and "license to..." labels for about interface.
  • Changed the splitter color from black to gray for about interface to make it friendlier.
  • Changed the format of all screenshots on the website from GIF to PNG, in order to let you see the original and most clear appearance of the product.
  • Optimized the text format of license agreement for installer, let it to be easier to read.
  • No longer uses the bold texts on the main interface, replaced them as colorful texts, more readable.
Apr 01, 2016
  • Important: fully supports native Español.
  • The [Size] column supports comma style.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • Closed the automatic new version checking feature of PTT Redistributable CLI, in order to avoid the confusing for your end users.
  • Optimized the "request remote support" feature - links to company site directly, in order to avoid clicking the mouse twice and jumping the page again.
  • Use the new company logo on the "About..." interface.
  • Optimized some texts for current 9 languages.
  • Changed Français (France) to Français. Because it is the standard Français, usually do not need to specify the country.
Dec 15, 2015
  • Important: fully supports native Italiano.
  • Fixed a little text errors in license agreement of the installer.
  • Fixed a little errors of Français (France) and Magyar texts.
Oct 07, 2015
  • Important: perfected UI effect for any system DPI setting, in any supported Operating Systems (system DPI setting: in Windows 7, it can be changed at "Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Display -> Make text and other items larger or smaller").
  • Optimized two English texts.
Sep 09, 2015
  • Important: supports Windows 10.
  • Important: fully supports Türkçe.
  • Optimized some Deutsch texts.
  • Optimized a Traditional Chinese text.
  • Press <Enter> on system dialog boxes will open the selected PDF file in the list.
  • The texts of Traditional Chinese installer are too small in Windows 10.
Aug 17, 2015
  • Important: fully supports Deutsch.
Aug 16, 2015
  • Important: fully supports native Français (France).
  • Optimized one Traditional Chinese language item.
Aug 07, 2015
  • Important: fully supports native Magyar.
  • Optimized English and Português (Brasil) texts.
  • Optimized the user interfaces: unified font name and size, adjusted the size and location of some controls.
  • Uses balloon tooltips.
  • Added company logo to the "About..." interface, and links to company homepage.
  • The right border of "Output path" is covered.
  • In the extreme case, the language choosing menu may cause a serious internal error.
Jul 20, 2015
  • Important: supports Command Line Interface (CLI).
  • Important: supports multi-language.
  • Important: fully supports native Portuguese (Brazil), 简体中文 and 繁體中文.
  • Important: now the installer supports multi-language also, and let you choose when install. Even, PTT can directly use the language that selected during installing.
  • Important: uses Golden Ratio for the main interface and its start position.
  • Important: supports shortcut keys for all operations on the main interface.
  • Supports to open the selected PDF by pressing <Enter> key.
  • Moved all actions which need to run the default eMail client to the online webpages, in order to avoid the confusion if who has not a default eMail client.
  • Optimized the source code to improve efficiency.
  • Shortened the executable file name ("PDF to Text.exe") as "PTT.exe", in order to facilitate Command Line call.
  • Optimized the location of the drop-down menus on the main interface.
  • Allows you to run multiple instances.
  • Optimized the user interface.
  • Open translation interface for multi-language version.
  • Published as shareware (because now supports Command Line Interface (CLI)).
  • Important: this function cannot work: double-click an item to open the corresponding PDF file.
Aug 15, 2013
  • Supports Unicode filename and path.
Nov 24, 2012
  • Published as freeware.
  • Supports to drag and drop PDF files to the listing.
  • Do not quit adding when selected a duplicate PDF file, just skip it.
Aug 12, 2012
  • Supports converting the PDF files that have some restrictions, such as "Content Copying", "Saving as Text", "Page Extraction" are not allowed.
Feb 22, 2012
  • Supports viewing the output plain text files directly after converted.
Oct 10, 2011
  • Supports opening the original PDF files in the list.
  • Gives prompt if there are converted files.
Mar 29, 2011
  • Supports customizing the output path.
Nov 05, 2010
  • Adds <Open Result> button to the selected item if it has already been converted.
Jun 08, 2010
  • New release.

1. Easy Way

Just click the related buttons on the right to share it to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.

2. Manual Sharing

You can also manually share it by using the following text in your email or other places.

Subject: Recommend Software - PDF to Text: Convert PDF to Plain Text Files in Batch Mode (from 'your name here')


I'm using PDF to Text, it is used to quickly convert PDF documents to plain text files in batch mode. It works without Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader, and has friendly interface, small size, accurate and fast conversion ability.

You should have a test!

Official page: https://www.pdf-helper.com/pdf-to-text/
Direct download: https://www.pdf-helper.com/files/pdf-to-text.zip

Add Your Review



Your Name

By Dr F @ Nov 18, 2021
amazingly fast
Installed on Windows 7 machine. Registered fine with no problems. Tested on a multi-page text only pdf. Was amazingly fast and opened in notepad. I often have need of portions of articles for research. Nice little program.

By wyndham @ Feb 22, 2020
Accurate and fast converter
Accurate and fast converter. Appreciate this software, thank you very much.

By David Roper @ Oct 12, 2019
actually works well
This PDF converter is one that actually works well. The box to drop PDF files into is easy to use, too. The default destination for the changed TXT files is exactly where you had the PDF files. You can also change the destination easily if desired. There is no reason NOT to get this GEM for your tool box. It simply WORKS. Finally we have one to use.

By nameshaker @ Sep 12, 2018
Interesting software
Interesting software, thanks!

By gerrymar @ Nov 29, 2017
This is a great little program and does what it claims.
This is a great little program and does what it claims. Editing in text is now simple and from this stage conversion to your favour format is endless. This is a keeper.

By Karl @ Mar 19, 2016
nice app
Installed and registered without problems on a Win 10 Pro 64-bit system. A small interface opens, you can choose several languages, add a PDF and change this. In a single column, text does what it claims, it does what it claims also in a multi column text. A small utility for a quick PDF to TXT conversion in simple PDF structures, a useful little helper.

By fatherted @ Jun 21, 2015
Great another converter
Great another converter, just what I needed to add to my collection.

By Paulo Neto (BR) @ Feb 15, 2014
That's great!
I found in your PDF to TXT program something that others have not. A faithful conversion of a PDF file For example I have a file with two columns of text (journal type), and the conversion he kept the two columns. That's great!

By ILoveFreeSoftware.com @ Sep 27, 2013
neat and clean PDF converter
Overall, this PDF to Text Converter offers a simple and easy way to allow editing of text through a text editor. It also supports PDF files which have restrictions on them such as 'Content Copying' and 'Saving as Text' which are not allowed. It is a neat and clean PDF converter that provides basic, yet excellent functionality and ease of use

By Softpedia.com @ Jul 26, 2012
Convert multiple PDF files to plain text format with the aid of batch processing operations offered by this handy piece of software
PDF to Text is a small software application whose purpose is to help you convert PDF files to plain text file format using batch processing operations. User-friendly layout The tool implements an intuitive behavior, so even less experienced users can easily discover and tweak its functions. Files can be added in the working environment using the built-in browse button or drag-and-drop support. What's more, you can view information about each PDF, such as file path, size, and status, remove the selected items from the lists, and clear the entire workspace with just one click. Conversion options PDF to Text gives you the possibility to save the converted items to the source folder or specify a user-defined saving directory. It is important to mention that the program is not able to process password-protected PDF files. Additionally, the application asks you if you want to check out the output directory at the end of the task. It provides support for batch operations, which means you can process multiple files at the same time. Performance Since it doesn't require much computer knowledge to set up the dedicated parameters, you can learn to master the process in no time. During our testing we have noticed that PDF to Text carries out a task quickly and provides very good output results. It doesn't eat up a lot of CPU and memory, so the overall performance of the computer is not hampered. Bottom line All things considered, PDF to Text offers a straightforward software solution and comes bundled with basic features for helping you convert PDF files to plain text file format using batch processing operations.

By BitsDuJour.com @ Nov 09, 2011
Convert PDF Documents to Plain Text Files
The PDF format is great for communicating documents but sometimes you just need to work with the text. Copying and pasting sometimes works, and sometimes produces a load of gibberish. The best way to get your hands on the text of a PDF file is by using today’s discount software promotion, PDF to Text! PDF to Text lets you change a PDF document to plain text file, with support for the conversion of multiple files in batch. With PDF to Text, you’ll be able to get at the core text, which you can then use in other applications. Plus, you’ll be pleased to know that, for multiple-page PDF files, one conversion will turn all of those pages into a single plain text file, so there's no need to change each page individually. There’s even support for command line interface input. You’ll find that PDF to Text is an invaluable tool for working with PDF files that have restrictions on “Save as Text” and content copying. Just load up the PDF, hit a button, and then go on your way with the text that you need!

For Windows Download PDF to Text v16.0, 1.93 MB Download